Achievements for 2018
With the last stage of the Brazilian Championship finalized this last weekend, the calendar of competitions of 2018 ended. In all there were 6 medals in the chest, great claw, learning and achievements.
"Thank God for another year of fights, trials and glories. Some sorrows as in the second stage of the Brazil Cup that was held for the first time in my city Leme SP, more because of a pneumonia days before the race I could not participate soon after in my first International competition the PAN AMERICAN PARACYCLISM, I won two Silver medals and finishing the year with the BRAZILIAN CHAMPIONSHIP once again I was Vice Champion finishing the year with 6 more medals in the chest. These medals do not symbolize just crossing the finish line, plus all overcoming, learning, support, trust and faith. I thank God for giving me the strength and courage to move forward and to want more and more everyone who supports me and makes my dream come true. My sponsors who believe in my potential, these medals are for you.